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Hope everyone had a fabulous Halloween! I know my kiddos did. We wanted to do so many crafts and activities we didn’t quite squeeze everything in. Hopefully, it will mean we will just have a little jump start on next year. Buzz, is already worried about what he will be dressed as for next Halloween. […]

November 1, 2010

Nathan was the first baby I loved. My brother is almost 9 years older than I am and he was married and starting a family before I was out of high school. Nathan was born when I was seventeen.  I can picture myself standing in my teenage bedroom bouncing, swaying and shushing him to sleep […]

Breanna was radiant in her wedding dress and the small tiara with an elbow length veil were mere accessories to the beauty that beamed from her. There is no beauty like that which comes from happiness. Trevor was confidant and comfortable, ready for a new beginning. He was ready for this moment but when he […]

It must be their Italian names. Vinny. CiCily. Gianna. Their family name, Orizotti. I love the energy of this family. They are fierce, loving and silly at times. I have been searching for something to liken them to. Trying to mold a description which would accurately portray them. Forgive me. The one thing I can’t […]

It was crumpled in a ball amongst a sea of carpet and toys, but I knew that it wasn’t trash. The cherry red color with white writing would take anyone back to the sweetness of childhood. I picked it up thinking I would throw it away, but stopped myself. I unfurled the waxy paper to […]

Tommy is my character. He is passionate about just about everything, for better or worse. A grumpy, little man on Mother’s day he proclaimed, “I wish it was Brother’s Day,” while we were getting loaded up to go celebrate the day with John’s mother and grandmother. It was love at first sound for me. I […]

August 14, 2010

It flew by. Saturday we celebrated three kiddo birthdays in our home with our extended family. Two of them were my sons, my oldest and the youngest have August birthdays. The other is sweet, little Molly, my niece who just turned one. A day full of visiting, food, cake, presents and hopefully it was packed […]

When I was a first-time mama the crusty umbilical cord stump gave me the willys. I didn’t want to look at it, touch it, be near it. I don’t think any new parent is quite ready for all of the new bodily functions and sights they will be privy to until they are in the […]

To the quiet, sweet woman in the Toyota dealership service department waiting room this morning, thank you. 9:00 am on the first day of summer, I had the van scheduled for an oil change so that we can get ready for all the summer fun coming up. The boys were up and ready to start […]

I knew the delivery was coming. I didn’t want to get overly excited. I didn’t have time to wait around impatiently. Tommy had a Dr.’s appointment and I had tons of packing to do. The day got busy as they all do and when I returned from our appointments there was a box on the […]

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