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Miss Stella turned two at the beginning of this month. No matter the kiddo, mine or anothers, I can’t seem to grasp how quickly a year passes. I have been trying to soak in a few “moments” a day with my boys in an effort to slow time and freeze memories of each day in […]
September 28, 2011
Fall came weeks ago when school started and all the busyness which it brings with it but fall weather came abruptly this week. I am working feverishly to get through mountains of photos of beautiful people with beautiful lives and amazing families. I am so happy to be busy now and I look forward to getting […]
Ryan saw her across the room at high school party in her kitchen. He was drawn to her beautiful eyes. Watching her then he knew he wanted her beside him. Bethany soon learned how wonderful she felt when he made her laugh. They dated on and off until she realized that there was no […]
Some things that are so easy to love about Easter. vibrant colors. chocolate. pretty dresses. boys in their Sunday best. chocolate. feasts. egg hunts. jelly beans. smiles. knowing I am forgiven. Can you stand how pretty this arrangement is? Wow! I want one for each room in my house next year. I think […]
I have only been to Seattle a hand full of times. On my first trip there, during college, I met the man I would marry. We returned over spring break this year, after 16 years, with a lot more life under our belt and three little boys. We hit many of the major tourist attractions […]
i didn’t know it was the end when I woke up yesterday. it seemed like any of a string of days we have had between last October and April. cold. wet. gray. sleep. repeat. but today the constants shifted. not in the weather. not in the people exactly but for the first time in over […]
April 15, 2011
Thank goodness for the change of seasons. I don’t need a lot of change in my life. I am pretty boring. Set in my ways. If I find something I like to eat at a restaurant, I don’t deviate from it. I like comfortable shoes. I may really like the idea of beautiful heels but […]
February conjures up feelings and images of sweetness. From the conversation hearts and chocolate treats to everything dripping in pink and red decor. It is a relief from the dark winter days and the cold nipping at us to be wrapped in the hubbub that comes with Valentine’s Day. Even if it is a little […]
A candle is lit. Prayers and Hail Marys have been said. Calls have been made. I still feel helpless and lost. Determined to make food and drop it off at your home, I have spent nearly an hour sifting through recipes trying to find the right meal to sustain your family. Every fifth recipe is […]
Some days were so right and some days were so wrong in 2010 and I want more to be on the right side. Every morning, I want to choose joy. To choose love. To choose learning. To choose communication. Somewhere, sometime, while trying to make a life, I have forgotten a little bit about living […]
Vancouver, Wa & surrounding areas
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